About Me

I am from Scotland and have lived abroad most of my life. I love having the new experiences!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

This piece of work is called 'Snowman123'. It is the first thing I made in multi-media. I made it on Adobe Photoshop. I made it using 9 layers and a lot of tools such as lasoo and magic wand. Using the layer tool I was able to mess around and play with the different layers and, at the end of making this piece, I increased my knowledge of adobe publisher and all the things on it. I learned how to build a layered picture, increase and decrease texture and lightening and, other cool things like that! I had a lot of fun creating and playing around with this project.

1 comment:

Yu Kyung said...

I like your snowman! I like the how the snowman has a big smiley face!