About Me

I am from Scotland and have lived abroad most of my life. I love having the new experiences!

Monday, February 26, 2007

15 seconds of fame.

You may have thought that the star of this amazing Hollywood movie was Myrel Streep, think again. Ladies and Gentlemen I show to you the latest star in town, me! I made this on photo shop. It was a rather hard thing to do because I had to paste my face in in the place of Myrel Streep , then I had to adjust the background because I had erased her head in order to paste in mine. I then had to make my face look like it belonged on her body. I did this by going to enhance and then went to various things that let me adjust the skin tone and colour of my face. I hope you liked looking at my picture.


Sarah said...


This looks really good! You can't even tell that you're not supposed to be there! Really Great!


Yu Kyung said...

I like how you made your 15 seconds of fame! It looks really nice~

nikaya said...

Wow Ruby

U look so coolalishious in your black outfit.
Well done!!!


Alice said...

I like your fifteen seconds of fame picture. It looks like you were really originally in the movie. You found the right font for your name. Too bad the writing for the rest of the picture is in french. It still looks good though...Bye -Alice T.

Gabby said...