About Me

I am from Scotland and have lived abroad most of my life. I love having the new experiences!

Monday, March 19, 2007

The making of 'Little neon hot pink riding hood.'
Pre- Production. Pre- production is made up of 3 parts. The treatment, the script and the storyboard. First you have to do the treatment, the treatment is the part of the production where you write a very brief summary of the whole story. Next comes the script. You

Monday, February 26, 2007

15 seconds of fame.

You may have thought that the star of this amazing Hollywood movie was Myrel Streep, think again. Ladies and Gentlemen I show to you the latest star in town, me! I made this on photo shop. It was a rather hard thing to do because I had to paste my face in in the place of Myrel Streep , then I had to adjust the background because I had erased her head in order to paste in mine. I then had to make my face look like it belonged on her body. I did this by going to enhance and then went to various things that let me adjust the skin tone and colour of my face. I hope you liked looking at my picture.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

12 of me

This was, also, a very fun project to work on. First I copied 12 pictures of me onto one document ( it was the same photo I started of with for the 'new me' project, amazing, huh!). After pasting the 12 pictures onto the 12 different layers, I put them in a chart, 3 by 4, and then started messing around with all the different fill effects. I found some great ones like crystal, charcoal and patch work. I tried to avoid the fill effect 'liquifier' because I had used it previously for the project 'new me'.

Monday, February 19, 2007

a whole new me

This piece is called 'A whole new me- evil!'. It was very fun to make and also very educational because, I used many different tools that I never even new existed! The main reason I liked this project is that it has absolutely no boundaries. I love to explore new things, and this was completly new to me! The tool I used the most was called liquify and another I used in order to liquify was called magic wand. I really enjoyed this project! I hope you have as much fun looking and reading about this project as I did making it!

Sunday, February 11, 2007

This piece of work is called 'Snowman123'. It is the first thing I made in multi-media. I made it on Adobe Photoshop. I made it using 9 layers and a lot of tools such as lasoo and magic wand. Using the layer tool I was able to mess around and play with the different layers and, at the end of making this piece, I increased my knowledge of adobe publisher and all the things on it. I learned how to build a layered picture, increase and decrease texture and lightening and, other cool things like that! I had a lot of fun creating and playing around with this project.